My friend Great Guy (Raphael Alves) made a song called “Don’t Repress Me” on XM that I thought I could improve it considerably. I made my version and I thought it was much better than I had imagined. So I recorded it on a floppy disk and took it to college the next day for …
Read more “Great Guy”
This amazing game was one of my favorite games at the time. After playing it a lot and creating some test maps, I decided to create THE MAP for the game, and based on the last level of a single player mission that ends in a Football Stadium, my big monstrous idea came to mind. …
Read more “Duke Nukem 3D”
This is another soccer game from the early 90s, around the same time as Sensible Soccer and Goal!, not as good as Sensi, but much better than Goal! But it was also fun to play from time to time. It had a cool and different view of the field, with many types of plays, including …
Read more “Manchester United The Double Brasil”
Between 1995 and 1996, some friends and I would spend hours making music just to have fun, and oh how we had fun. We made Funk Carioca, Trash Metal, Electronic AxĂ©, Funk Melody, Rock, Punk Metal, Heavy Metal and many other aberrations of nature that I can’t even define what they were. Although they were …
Read more “Moskito”
It seems that what I tried to do in Sensible Soccer PLUS was actually done with the release in 1994 of Sensible World Of Soccer also known as SWOS. But not only adding teams from South America, but also from North America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. With all the National Teams and many official Championships …
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This is one of the best football games ever made, which later evolved into SWOS, which is still played by many people all over the world, and is probably the most played game on PC in history. It was created in 1992 by Sensible Software for the Amiga and had a conversion for the PC …
Read more “Sensible Soccer PLUS”
I started studying music on my own when I was still a child, around 1985. I played on my mother’s piano, which was at my grandparents’ house, and I was just starting to learn how to program on the MSX computer. I also had an old broken guitar that belonged to my mother and was …
Read more “Side Low”
My first computer was an MSX, a great computer at the time with an incredible 16kb of RAM! It was where I started making my first games, mods and also working with hexadecimal code. I also did a lot of things related to graphics, music and sounds in addition to games. Unfortunately, most of my …
Read more “Match Day II Brasil”
This was my first Mod, which I made on my first MSX Computer. I was about 10 years old, and although it was quite silly, it meant a lot to me. Since people always ask me what my first modification was, I’m going to talk about it here. Well, it all starts small, very small. …
Read more “Konami’s Soccer Brasil”