Here you will find Freddy’s most important works that do not fall directly into the category of Music or Games, although many of them are related to at least one of them. You will also find a little about his very successful corporate career.
- Creator of the SWOS tournaments that became the inspiration for the Sensible Days that have been held annually in Europe since 2004
- Five-Time SWOS Cup Champion and many times Champion of several other smaller tournaments
- Founder and Leader of Blood Culture Multigaming since 2005. Is the largest FPS Clan in Latin America with more than 250 members
- Multi-Champion of Quake 2 in several categories, mainly in Rocket Arena 2
- Medal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead Pro-Player of Objective with Realism reaching several finals between 2002-2005 with NER & 3rL, being champion of the European Marz League 2005 with 3rL among other minor titles
- Experienced ColdFusion Developer with over 30 years in the business. Working side by side with Ben Forta.
- One of the main developers of the largest reinsurance system on the planet while working for IRB-Brasil RE
- Worked for many years for large Brazilian companies in his corporate career: Banco do Brasil, Openlink, IRB-Brasil RE and Eletrobras
- Designed and implemented all of Eletrobras’ videoconferencing rooms, including training of all teams
- Solely Responsible for Developing, Implementing and Managing all Automations on Eletrobras servers.
- Videomaker of Game/Mods Teaser & Trailers with millions of views
- Videomaker for Art Of War Central in its heyday, when it was considered the largest game hosting company in the world
- Scripter and Control Panel Developer for Art Of War Central, when we did the best Web Server Administrator for Games
- Videomaker of Music Videos to several artists with thousands of views
- Produced 7 Back Screening Videos for the famous Brazilian band Biquini Cavadão
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Just below in the Portfolio you will find the main projects that Freddy worked on throughout his career, with all the respective details, demonstrating exactly what he actually worked on and its importance.