
Since I left the Eletrobras, my main source of income comes from my investments. I have been an investor for over 10 years and I also have a degree from AUVP, in addition to several other smaller courses over the years. For many years I have helped and guided friends and family in this field, and I have been encouraged mainly by them to expand this beyond my circle of friends, and thus significantly change the lives of other people as I have changed theirs.

Therefore, I provide investment consultancy in Brazil and around the world, and I can help you with everything from creating your portfolio, to balancing and managing it, in a way that improves both returns and quality, and thus reduces your risk. Everything is tailored to your current situation, so that it meets exactly what you are looking for.

Since what may be ideal for one person may be horrible for another, everything must be personalized and tailored to the client’s situation and conditions, and never something generic.

I am an Independent Consultant, therefore I am not linked to any Broker or Bank, so I do not receive any financial incentive from any of them, which exempts me 100% from seeking only what is best for you.

This attitude is not common with Consultants and Bank/Brokerage Managers who have their salaries tied to investments closed with their employers, and earn relatively to the investments made by their clients, and the worse they are, the more they earn, and therefore they tend to push the best possible deals to them, which are generally terrible for you.

Here you are free to invest through the Broker and Bank you prefer.

No money will be transferred to me, all investments will be operated by you, and if you don’t know how to do it, I also offer private classes where I will teach you at least the basics so you can take care of your own money.

How does it work?

We schedule a virtual meeting where we will have a general conversation about your investments, your situation and especially your plans. Then I will take a few days to study what would be best for you at this time, next steps and future. Where I will give you all the information you need to make your own decisions and all the risks involved.

Consulting involves a very fair investment, and you can quickly recover this amount by following my advice. After payment, we will schedule a new meeting where I will go over the strategies that I recommend for you to take from now on, based on the information provided and your desires for the near or long-term future.

I also teach investment classes by the hour, from basic to advanced, from how to open an account with a brokerage firm to how to never pay taxes, all within the law of course.

It is not a strict course, it will be a 1-hour chat to answer all your questions and teach you everything you need. Always straight to the point and without beating around the bush. Then you decide when you need to ask more questions and get more information, all at your own pace and time, always providing you with exactly what you need at that moment.

The idea is not to make you an investment expert, most people don’t want that, much less dedicate so much time to these studies. Here I will speed this up for you, delivering directly what you need now to start investing if you don’t already invest, and/or correct/improve your portfolio, which by looking for me, means that you are not satisfied.

With this knowledge you will be able to continue following continuously, and if you find new meetings necessary, just call me.


I can change your life with just one conversation


I don’t consider cryptocurrencies as an investment, as they are not companies with the power to really generate value for your portfolio, but that doesn’t mean that good opportunities can’t arise in this world, especially in mining. I usually rent/buy HASHPOWER to mine, which usually gives good results. I can also teach you about this, as well as you can join my group so we can share the mining bills and thus increase the chances of getting blocks together and being very well paid.


The testimonials are real, received by email, WhatsApp or in person. But in order not to expose people, they are published anonymously.

If you want to contribute, just send it to me and I will post it here anonymously like the others. Thank you for your trust.

“Sen-sa-cio-nal! Obrigado mesmo de verdade! Tenho amigos do meu convívio que falam sobre investimentos e tal, e nunca ninguém falou como você falou, de uma maneira muito simples e direta, obrigado mesmo! Ficou tudo mais claro! Valeu demais!”

Profissional de TI

“A-MAN-ZING! Thank you so much! I have friends who talk about investments and such, and no one has ever spoken to me like you did, in a very simple and direct way. Thank you so much! Everything became clearer! Thanks a lot!” IT Professional

“Minha carteira andava sempre de lado, já estava desistindo de investir porque não achava mais que funcionava e o que via por aí era tudo enganação. Depois que passei a seguir as orientações do Freddy há pouco mais de um ano minha carteira é outra. Impressionante.”


“My portfolio was always sideways. I was giving up on investing because I didn’t think it worked anymore and what I saw out there was all a scam. After I started following Freddy’s advice a little over a year ago, my portfolio is different. Impressive.” Entrepreneur

“Confesso que mesmo como velho amigo do Freddy não acreditei em suas orientações, não segui nenhuma. Resultado foi que ele e diversos nossos amigos que seguiram se deram muito bem, menos eu. Desde então passei a levar a sério o que ele fala, em dois meses já está dando resultados. Me arrependo de não ter o ouvido antes.”

Profissional de TI

“I confess that even as an old friend of Freddy’s, I didn’t believe in his advice and didn’t follow any of it. The result was that he and several of our friends who followed his advice did very well, except me. Since then, I’ve started to take what he says seriously. In two months, it’s already yielding results. I regret not having listened to him sooner.” IT Professional

“Sua dica foi realmente muito boa. Esta carregando minha carteira inteira nas costas.”


“Your tip was really good. You’re carrying my entire wallet on your back.” Doctor

“Freddy tem um conhecimento bem acima da média, estou bem agradecido de ter seguido suas orientações. Mostra além de conhecimento, segurança e transparência em tudo. Recomendo muito.”


“Freddy has a knowledge well above average, I am very grateful to have followed his guidance. He shows, in addition to knowledge, security and transparency in everything. I highly recommend him.” Lawyer

“Depois de uma simples conversa ele me fez ter raiva de mim mesmo por ter sido tanto tempo enganado. Sua visão é incrível, e mudou totalmente minha visão sobre o assunto. Os resultados vieram rápido, muito rápido. Muito obrigado Freddy por não ter desistido de mim.”

Engenheiro (Aposentado)

“After a simple conversation he made me angry with myself for having been deceived for so long. His insight is incredible, and it completely changed my view on the subject. The results came quickly, very quickly. Thank you very much Freddy for not giving up on me.” Engineer(Retired)

“Nunca tinha investido e aprendi muito com o Freddy, achei que não era possível investir com tão pouco dinheiro. Sei que ainda é pouco mas já está dando resultados, e vou continuar seguindo suas dicas.”

Profissional de TI  

“I had never invested before and I learned a lot from Freddy. I thought it was impossible to invest with so little money. I know it’s still not much, but it’s already yielding results, and I’ll continue following his tips.” IT Professional