Bryan K. Borgman, better known as Stratos, posted an ad looking for artists to work on the soundtrack of an American horror film called The Charnel Gospel, which would be released by his label Bailey Records.

The Charnel Gospel was supposed to be released on DVD in the US soon, but as far as I know, it never happened. The artist selected to do the CD covers was Stanlee Houston, who did an excellent job.
The deadline was very short, and the song was an instrumental horror theme, something very different from anything I had done before, and remixing an instrumental song is a difficult task to do without losing much of the originality of the song, and without becoming a silly remix with just a new beat in the background, especially for an ambient song like “Dance of Darkness” that I remixed.
Even so, I decided to take a chance and Stratosliked my remix, even though I had changed the song a lot, and soon approved its release on the CD called Deterioration Furthers.
“got it! thanks! this song is great! This is awesome! Thank you!”
It was my first real experience with soundtracks and I enjoyed participating. Although there is no news about the film actually being released, the CD with the Soundtrack was released.

- Deterioration Furthers
- The Creeping Fear
- Lonesome October Nights
- Hilltop Incantations
- Dance of Darkness
- Cthulhu’s Rising
- Ghoul Frenzy
- Deterioration is Mixed Further
- The Creeping Fear [Bradley316 remix]
- Hilltop Incantations [divine spirit mix]
- Dance of Darkness [Hajas mix]
- Cthulhu’s Rising [cataclysmic splendor mix]
- Dance of Darkness [Bradley316 remix]
- Ghoul Frenzy [frenzied futura mix]
- Deterioration Furthers [anamorphic assembler mix]
- The Creeping Fear [ep3 mix]
- Dance of Darkness [re-animator re-mix]
- Deterioration Furthers [demo mix]
After finishing my album Synthphony REMIXed! vol.2 at the end of 2004, Stratos approached me to participate in another album, this time for the soundtrack of the RPG game Universe87. Where I was supposed to work on the song “Dreaming of Cyberspace”, and since it wasn’t a difficult song to work on and I had total freedom, I accepted and did it in a few days, and in a week the whole process of receiving the samples, programming, mixing and sending the wav to him was already complete.
Freddy Hajas, a top-producer from Brazil, first collaborated with Bailey Records on the Deterioration Furthers horror soundtrack. On both that CD and this, Hajas serves as a remix artist putting his own unique spin on a Stratos original. Stratos first met Hajas in cyberspace over at”
The album was called Universe87 Campaign Setting Soundtrack and was released on CD.

- Always Pluggin’ In ‘N Punkin’ Out
- A World Asunder
- Darkrider Triumphant
- False Realities
- Vs.
- Entropy
- The Nature of God
- Social Control
- Kilometric Ecstasy [Maddox’s Joyride Mix]
- Android Hunter
- Dreaming of Cyberspace [Hajas Mix]
- Techno-Criminal Subcultures [Theta Freq. Mix]
- Sonik Disturbances [Tristraum Mix ]
- Angelic Disturbances
- Life in the Big ‘Plex
- Pattern Recognitions
- Summer in the Sprawl [Chinese Theatre Mix]