Comando Rio

The award-winning Call of Duty Rio is becoming a full game on Unreal Engine 5. This time focused on the best graphics available on modern PCs and Consoles and without the limitations of a mod. Returns, continuing the incredible bloody saga in the city of Rio, with a lot of realism and immersion.

Firstly, it is not just a Remake of Call of Duty Rio in a new engine, but a completely new game continuing the plot started in the mod. Despite being Hardcore and having many mechanics similar to my previous works, which guarantees your satisfaction if you already like the style of my games. That’s all I can reveal so far, but rest assured that like everything I’ve done to date, there will be serious innovations and big surprises, without the limitations of a mod.


When I showed my old friend Minh “Gooseman” Le(Counter-Strike creator) my new project based on Call of Duty Rio, he simply sent it to me immediately without even asking for all his 45 Asset Packs so I could use them in Commando Rio. Amazing, right? Thanks a lot, my friend!

In addition to him, I was also lucky enough to close great partnerships with Lemniscate VFX from Poland, who provided me with cinematic-quality favela assets, as well as the Brazilian Iron Edge Arsenal, who is providing the first weapons for the game.

Since I don’t just want to release “another game” and I’m very concerned about quality, this help is being fundamental at this early stage of development. It also shows their trust in the quality of the project, which gives me more confidence and enthusiasm, attesting that I’m on the right track.

As with Call of Duty Rio, I am responsible for everything in the project except for the Assets related to Models, VFX and Animations. This includes all Game Design, Planning, Level Design and everything related to Gameplay, which is the main thing in this project, as it has been throughout my career.

Of course, everything related to Music and Sound is also my responsibility, including of course the best localization in the history of the Brazilian FPS of Call of Duty Rio is also being ported and improved to once again surprise in Comando Rio.


The same incredible team has been retained and many of the previous recordings from Call of Duty Rio will be reused in Comando Rio, in addition to previously unreleased recordings, of course.


It is not new that wars between Criminal Factions in Rio de Janeiro are extremely violent, leaving countless innocent people dead every year.
The State has been trying in vain to fight them for decades with limited resources and inferior weapons. Every year things get more out of control and today practically every corner of the city has an owner, with the exception of the noble areas of the South Zone, the owner is not the State.

The Government finds itself with no way out and has no other choice but to declare war against these Factions and Militias that dominate the City. Several areas of the city are evacuated and all favelas are declared a war zone, recommending that all residents leave their homes until everything returns to normal. All police forces are mobilized to hunt down and eliminate all members of the factions, whatever the cost.

These operations became known as “Call of Duty Rio”.


We don’t know exactly when or how it happened, but in recent years a new, much more organized type of criminal organization has emerged, which in a short time became the only militia in the city, and before we realized it, it also dominated the Jogo do Bicho (Animal’s Game) in all of Rio de Janeiro. As a result, this militia quickly spread throughout the city, no longer remaining isolated in some poorer communities or areas.

When the heads of the other militias and Jogo do Bicho eventually turned up dead, both the government and the citizens didn’t give a damn, and in fact they were even grateful, but they didn’t realize the monster that was forming.

They already had practically all crime under their command, but the biggest and most profitable of them was missing, drug trafficking. We found out too late that there would be a meeting imposed by them with the leaders of the criminal factions Comando Vermelho (CV), Amigos dos Amigos (ADA) and Terceiro Comando Puro (TCP).

We do not know whether the intention was to promote an alliance or from the beginning to subject them to this new parallel regime. But that same night none of them returned alive from this meeting, and this new militia that we can also consider a Criminal Faction took over all the murders in the name of the Comando Maior (CM), and that they were taking total control of crime in Rio de Janeiro.


Due to the incompetence and slowness of the Government and Justice, they were unable to predict the monster that was being created in the City while celebrating the deaths of criminal leaders, they ignored all warnings from both the Military and Civil Police, always thinking that it was no big deal. that was happening.

In yet another act of desperation by the government, a new elite team was created within BOPE itself, using the best police officers and military personnel who stood out in their corporations, which would finally be a unified police force very well equipped to try to put an end to it. It was named Unit Twelve but is already known and feared as the Red Skulls.

For more detailed information, please visite our STEAM page or the COMANDO RIO‘s official site.