It is simply the biggest and most complete FPS game ever made in the history of gaming, there is nothing out there that comes close to the diversity of Frontlines. To give you an idea, if you were to add up all the Call of Duty titles ever released into a single game, it wouldn’t even reach 30% of the vast features of Frontlines.

These features include hundreds of new innovative ideas not only limited to gameplay, but also to server management, such as 52 different basic game types and a smart server capable of performing live actions in real time, as a real admin was there at all times.
Many of these innovative ideas were incorporated into the following official Call of Duty games, which are great references in the market, it is extremely unlikely that there is any FPS released since 2008 without any content created, developed and/or improved in Frontlines.
War Server, Help Mode, Parachutes, 52 Gametpes, Intelligent Server, Weapons Modes, Airborne Mode, Alcatraz, Duel, Medic System, Bomb Squad System, Spawn Protection, Anti-Camping and even Battle Royale are just some of the thousands of features that have made Call of Duty Frontlines so important in Call of Duty and FPS Games in general.
Help Mode alone has been present in almost every Cooperative game on the market for almost two decades, many of which are not even FPS games, including of course all Battle Royales, from PUBG to Fortnite and of course Warzone.
“The main difference between Frontlines and the other mods is that while they are all trying to copy the new COD titles, the new COD titles are copying Frontlines”
German’s Panzerdivision Review.
Its latest version, Call of Duty Frontlines FOREVER, won the title of Best Call of Duty Mod at MOTY 2018 by Editors’ and Players’ Choice on ModDB.

And its previous versions have won the same title twice. The first title was given to the 2008 version by the renowned website/podcast Bash and Slash, when it received the nickname “EPIC Mod” and really spread around the world. With the introduction of parachutes, it won once again and left its mark on the history of Call of Duty, as well as in the world of FPS.

Main Features
- War Server with battlefields up to 3999 territories
- 46 Brand New Gametypes (52 in total!)
- Airborne Mode to ALL gametypes let you be a paratrooper falling from the sky
- Help Mode, which you can play a realistic freeze-tag game in any team based gametype
- Random Objectives changing each round with MILLIONS combinations
- The best Bots (AI) by far in the history of Call of Duty
- Coop Missions to play PVE up to 18 players
- HER with realistic Blood, Gore, Pain, Damage & Physics effects
- Medic System with a Medic Perk to let you save your wounded teamates
- Over 2400 Weapons Modes with 16 pre-defined modes
- Realistic Bomb Squad System where you can Disarm and even Revert a Claymore
- 4 Different Support Strikes (Tactical Airstrike/Heavy Bombing Strike/Artillery Strike/Mortar Strike)
- Intelligent Server who admins the server for you the way you want
- Intelligent Anti-Camping System coded to each gametype
- Frontlines Weapons, brand new balance and behavior!
- Stars & Medals System to really benefit the best players
- Full Rank System with 170 Ranks, Custom Classes + Create-A-Class INGAME
- Frontlines Duel, where the last 2 will dispute the round with knifes
- Frontlines Last Stand, a lot more realistic and fair to both sides
- Multi-Language Support to really ANY language you speak
- Thousands of other features and options to let you do whenever you want
- Several groundbreaking features for a first time in FPS multiplayer, such as Nuke & Paratroopers
ModDB Page
On ModDB you can check the entire development history of Frontlines and real Reviews and Feedback from players from all over the world in these almost 20 years of work. Or you can read here about the history behind.

More Details
Frontlines has a very detailed page on my old website. It is not responsive, so it is recommended to access it from a desktop.


If you are interested in knowing more about Frontlines, here is a great summary of this brilliant story.