<]3rL[> Three Random Letters

After internal disagreements, 26 members of [NER-RoW] decided to leave the New European Regiment in early 2005 and founded a new clan, and thus <]3rL[> Three Random Letters was formed. Oddly enough, 3rL was founded just 2 days after Blood Culture was founded. So I participated in the entire construction of 2 clans simultaneously.

When we decided to make this change, we wanted to not be just another Spearhead clan, but to be a reference, especially when it came to server quality, because we knew that this would attract more players and we could also finance a large part of the costs.

We managed to set up the best Spearhead server infrastructure in Europe (and I believe in the world on that time) with a 2GB link and we rented servers to several other European clans.

I was responsible for developing the website and all the server administration scripts. As a player, I became the Grenade Specialist, usually having the difficult task of clearing the front lines in assaults with my MG, and in defense I was usually protecting the Snipers. Remember that I played from Rio in Europe, that is, I played with average pings between 250-350, and at that time there was no ping correction.

We trained exhaustively because we wanted to be the best in both infrastructure and combat, and soon we started to reach the first finals that same year and win smaller tournaments without much importance.

To encourage training, I ported Quake 2‘s Blood Wars to Medal of Honor Spearhead, where we divided the clan into 2 teams and played a big war to put the training into practice, which helped us a lot to raise the level of all the clan’s players, with regular intense competitive experiences.

Due to all this training, we managed to become European Champions in 2006 in the renowned European Marz League as well as in other smaller titles, and on several occasions we finished among the top 4 in the most famous and disputed realism championships throughout Europe.

Unfortunately, in 2007, MOHAA was already weak, we had already tried to migrate to newer games like Battlefield 2 but not everyone liked it (including me) and the clan unfortunately ended along with Spearhead.

It was certainly my experience in NER and 3rL that inspired me to create Blood Culture, and I feel very happy to have had the honor of participating in all of this. Here’s a video made by the MOHAA Spearhead community as a farewell to a game that left its mark and, in a way, changed our lives.

Thank you Spearhead!