When I was working on my remix album in 2004, the record company had sent me some bands for me to approve, and I had also sent them my work for them to approve. One of these bands was the Italian XP8, who approved my work, as you can see in the comment below:

“Very well… We listened to the mixes from Freddy Hajas and we really liked them, expecially those done for Assemblage 23 and Ada De Luque: thumbs up for this guy!”
Marco (XP8)
So we started talking about starting work as soon as I finished what I was working on. When Marco said he knew my last name from somewhere, but didn’t know exactly where. We initially thought it was because of my remixes, which had already gained some prominence in the synthpop scene.

But a few days later he came back with a screenshot of the New European Regiment (NER) forum, a Medal of Honor Allied Assault Spearhead clan that we both participated in at the time. Although we were in different divisions, we frequented the same forum and fought side by side in several battles, and even against each other countless times. Small world, huh?
But when I was about to actually start the remix for XP8, the record company decided to pass the band on to another remixer, since my album already had too many tracks. Unfortunately, I couldn’t remix them this time.
In the end, Synthphony REMIXed! Vol. 4 released in 2006 ended up being completely remixed by them, and the song “Dreamt Of Blue” which I was going to remix, was only released in 2007 on Synthphony REMIXed! Vol. 7.