
I participated in the Daybehavior Remix Contest between August and September 2003, where the Swedish band Daybehaviorreturned with a new album after a few years of inactivity, and they offered me the opportunity to remix their new songs to be included as bonus tracks on their new CD Have You Ever Touched a Dream.

The Daybehavior Remix Contest was organized by the band itself and its new American record label A Different Drum. The songs in question were “The Moments I Couldn’t Save”, which I fell in love with right away, and “Mon :Ami”, which I didn’t like at first because it was too dancey for my taste.

I decided to enter this contest with a remix of “The Moments I Couldn’t Save”, which I was very pleased with the final work and the feedback from the band itself. Since I had finished the remix in a few weeks and still had almost a month to send it in, I decided to take a chance and do the remix of “Mon :Ami”, trying to make it more synthpop and straying far from its original version. I sent it to the band and the record company and they really liked it, and praised “The Moments I Couldn’t Save” a lot.

“Thanks for your contribution, my favourite of your remixes so far is Moments, great job. We’ll see what happens, we got a lot of remixes to listen to ๐Ÿ™‚ Best regards”

Carl Hammar

The final result came out on October 11th and I was among the only 9 selected with the song “Mon :Ami”, which will be on the Bonus CD. But I was also intrigued by why they chose this one instead of “The Moments I Couldn’t Save” which they praised a lot while the latter was ignored and for me it was already out of the running.

Bonus Disc

  1. The Moments I Couldn’t Save (Vertigo Mix)
  2. MonAmi (Absorber Mix)
  3. Heaven (Remix Edit)
  4. The Moments I Couldn’t Save (Late Night in Athens Mix)
  5. Close Your Eyes (Radio Mix)
  6. MonAmi (Hajas Mix)
  7. The Moments I Couldn’t Save (Overflow-110 Mix)
  8. Sweetness of My Pain (Alternate Version)
  9. The Moments I Couldn’t Save (West Ural Autumn Mix)
  10. Close Your Eyes (Activated Mix)
  11. MonAmi (VZ Remix)
  12. The Moments I Couldn’t Save (F.P. Mix)
  13. The Moments I Couldn’t Save (Whisper Mix)

So intrigued, I talked to them and they told me that they kept “The Moments I Couldn’t Save” to help boost the Superstar single, entering it as a B-Side, which made me even happier.

  1. Superstar (Radio Edit)
  2. The Moments I Couldn’t Save (Hajas Mix)
  3. Superstar (Nevarakka Mix)
  4. Superstar (Intuition Mix)
  5. The Moments I Couldn’t Save (Monopoly Mix)
  6. Superstar (Simulator Mix)
  7. Bleed (Somegirl Mix)

“Hello Freddy! I read your mail to Carl and I just wanted to say thank you. It’s funny but ever since the remixes started to come in to the contest YOU have been my absolutely favourite all the time! I would love to work more with you in the future! Take care!”

Paulinda Crescentini 

Check out the Synthpop.Net Review where they consider my remix of “Mon :Ami” one of the best on the album, as well as the Review of the Superstar Single where my remix is โ€‹โ€‹also one of the highlights.