HER Battlefield 2142

HER Battlefield 2142 brings, in addition to realistic gameplay like all HER versions already released, also cool things like blood effects, automatic BOTs to play COOP games and other surprises… there were several versions, the first full release being in 2008, less than 2 years after the release of the original game.

Like all games in the HER series, its main idea was to completely rebalance the game, making it not only realistic, but also fair. That’s why the game’s ranking system, although aesthetically maintained, did not influence the gameplay as in the original, that is, it didn’t matter who had a higher ranking than the other players, the damage was exactly the same, and whoever played better won.

There were no ModTools for Battlefield 2142, so this mod was created with extreme limitations, working with Battlefield 2 Tools adapted to Battlefield 2142 in an unofficial way and unconventional methods, such as Hexadecimal Editing.

HER Battlefield 2142 Features

  • All weapons now are really deadly with 1 or 2 shots
  • Anti-Tank Weapons are twice deadly as before
  • Blood Effects (by Murdock & Rest’n’pit)
  • More Bots to Play on COOP MODE in LAN
  • New Bot Names (Clan members from BC, 3rL and NER)
  • The fun gameplay remains the same

HER Titan

Just like the first version of HER Battlefield 2, this mod was created just to have fun with friends and family in my modest Home LAN. The first version of HER was called HER Titan, it was an add-on to the Titan Lite II mod, which allowed playing maps with Titans with bots. But there were limitations, such as bots not being able to enter the Titan, random crashes, and it also only worked on Version 1.0 of the game, and since everyone always played with the updated game, it became obsolete.

HER Battlefield 2

With the success of HER Titan despite its problems and limitations, I decided to create my own complete version, improving the Bots, adding Blood, and maintaining the balance that made HER Titan famous. Thus, HER Battlefield 2142 was born and was a great success in my career as a Modder, reaching the most diverse specialized websites and even being launched in printed magazines, where many of them came with CDs/DVDs with this mod.

In 2011 was released the last version of the mod, compatible with the recent Northern Strike version plus the HER Battlefied 2142 Map Pack with lots of maps with bots added and tweeked to be played with HER Battlefield 2142. Also a new HER Titan was released as a full version, without being dependent on the other mod and with lots of fixes.

ModDB Page

On ModDB you can check the entire development history of HER Battlefield 2142 and more details.