This amazing game was one of my favorite games at the time. After playing it a lot and creating some test maps, I decided to create THE MAP for the game, and based on the last level of a single player mission that ends in a Football Stadium, my big monstrous idea came to mind.

I wanted to recreate the map of the Maracanã Stadium, which is in fact the biggest football stadium in the world, and I wanted to make everything, with bathrooms, cafeterias, really everything… as close to reality as possible.

But the game was designed for a 486 and I was using a 386, which gave me a lot of lag when playing, especially underwater, and what I was trying to do was too much for my computer and of course way more than the Engine could handle, and the map editor would never compile something as big as I was planning. Of course I had no idea about this or I would never have started this project.
Then reality will dawn on me one day or another, then the map started to crash, everything became very slow, I got very pissed off, until I finally gave up, deleted everything and never played the game again until many years later, when I played on LAN for a few months with friends, and it was a lot of fun even in 2000. This was my first and only Mod that didn’t work. And believe me, when Serious Sam II came out I thought at least for a moment about making this project a reality.