Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Spearhead

Medal Of Honor Allied Assaultis one of my favorite FPS game series, and I played a lot of its multiplayer online, especially Spearhead, its first Expansion Pack. I would have liked to do much more for this game than I did, but at that time I was very busy with music, which didn’t allow me to do as much as I wanted without losing my wife.

The most I did were scripts for server administration of the most varied types, from anticheat protection to scripts to change spawnpoints, invert map teams. I also made administration menus and prepared maps to play with BOTs online, mainly cooperatively. I also made a small Mod for the fictional map, but it was great, called Eagle’s Nest. Where hypothetically Hitler does not kill himself, and goes to take shelter in his hiding place almost on the border of Austria. An allied force is sent to eliminate him..

It’s a very simple Mod, it was just a change of Hitler‘s Model/Skin on the map, removing his original Sand-Colored Uniform, and giving him a stronger appearance, with a black uniform and a different expression on his face, which gave him a more aggressive appearance than the original “scared” version. The other feature was a bug fix for the Crazy Boris skin, which was appearing faceless on that map.

The difference with this Mod is that the way I made it, even though the servers have the original, with my version installed it corrects the original at loading time and modifies Hitler, without the risk of being kicked from the server.